Unlock Me

Unlock me.
Show me the way to speak the right words -
the ones that will share my inner world
and bring the floating philosophy down to earth.

There was a time I believed a thing never happened
(if nobody knew about it).
And yet, I had no tolerance for dishonesty
(not even in the form of omission or subtlety).

I felt I had to say it all aloud
or… some great “or else” would come for me.
They told me I said too much, and in response
I could only hope I’d said enough.

Unlock me
because, in these damp woods,
there was no one listening for months
and there was only me to deny or embrace myself.

Only me to be accountable for my whole truth, to validate my own humanity.

Unlock me
because now I trust myself
and I don’t need anyone to prove to me that I am.
But in that same breath, I know.

I know the interconnection,
the necessity and power and sanctity,
that is the human being
in this energetic life of one-ness.

Unlock me
because now that I know my truth,
now that I am alive, I’ve forgotten
how to speak the language of the ones I knew before.

I’m trying to tell you something,
but you have to teach me the words.

Vera Lee Bird

Gently exploring emotions through the lens of fairytales, folklore, mental health, and love of storytellers of all forms. Author of Raped, Not Ruined and The Retold Fairytales series.




Weeping in the Willows