Send Coffee ☕️ (please dear god send coffee)


Every little bit of support from my readers is a huge help! If you want to contribute to this beautiful little piece of the internet, send a coffee my way.

I promise to always make it count and pay it forward! ♥️

P.S. Curious how coffee helps?

First of all… cozy is a pre-requisite to fantasy, okay?
Second, chatting with a barista is the best experience life has to offer - and translates right into my books. Some of my (and your) favorite characters are people met or totally-un-creepily-watched in a coffeeshop.
Third, you never know who you’re going to meet in a coffeeshop. I make book sales almost every time I go to a coffeeshop. I also make new friends, meet amazing new writers, and often end up picking up a book or discovering a new artist. These are the kind of serendipitous events that keep the magic flowing in and all around me.
Thank you for coming to my coffee TedTalk. xo.

Give the girl a coffee. 💛